We wear jewelry on our neck, ears and just about every other place on our body. What about your teeth? And no, we’re not talking about grills but tooth gems!

Tooth jewelry is a fashion statement which originally started in the 90’s and is now making a comeback. We are seeing celebrities in Hollywood including Katy Perry and Kendall Jenner who are making it popular again by sporting their own jeweled teeth.


They are small rhinestone jewels on each tooth. The gems come in different design, shapes and colors.


Advanced Smile Care does not offer this treatment. But there are dental offices and tattoo parlors now adorning teeth with jewels. The enamel of a tooth where a jewel is placed is cleaned off and then each gem is individually glued on to a tooth. The treatment is reportedly painless and takes several minutes. Typically, jewels can last for several months without falling off.


If you are considering jewelry for your teeth, Dr. Tony Thomas recommends you stay away from this trend for the health of your teeth.  “This is terrible for the enamel of your teeth. The glue from the application of the jewel will erode the enamel of your teeth and could ultimately increase your risk for tooth decay or infection.” Thomas says food particles and bacteria can also get stuck in the jewelry.


As tempting as it may be to take the risk and get bling on your bi-cuspids in the name of fashion, Dr. Thomas says consider if it’s worth the long-term damage to your teeth. If there is high impact or trauma on the spot where the jewelry sits, there is a chance that your tooth can chip or crack.

“Think about it. You spend so much time and money to have a perfect smile.  As appealing as tooth jewels might be, the long-term risks outweigh the short-term fashion statement,” said Dr. Thomas.

Dr. Thomas also stresses that you should not be treating tooth jewels as a DIY project and glue the jewels on yourself. Although there are tooth jewelry kits that you can buy online, the ingredients could be toxic or the quality of the glue may be harmful to your teeth.

If you have questions about the safety of tooth gems or about cosmetic dentistry needs for your teeth, contact the dental professionals at Advanced Smile Care. We can help you create your dream smile, and we don’t need tooth gems to make our magic.


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