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Transforming Smiles for 35 Years in San Antonio

How to Get Sedation Dentistry To Work For You

Advanced Smile Care has a long track record of providing sedation dentistry. We started working in this field at a time when many dental practices in San Antonio did not offer these services. We have helped thousands of patients get over their fears of the dentist with our top-tier sedation expertise.

Benefits of sedation dentistry

  • Reduces dental anxiety
  • Get more treatment completed with fewer appointments
  • Most patients don’t remember the sights and sounds of the treatment

Schedule your sedation dentistry appointment

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About Advanced Smile Care

Our patients say it all the time. Advanced Smile Care is an extraordinary experience and far different than any other dental practice.

Stop by the “Comfort Bar” for a cold water or a coffee before your appointment. Get a blanket or headphones from our team to ensure you are comfortable while receiving your treatment. And don’t forget to grab a bag of our fresh-baked cookies on your way out!

Hear Dr. Benjamin talk about sedation dentistry

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What our patients are saying

Schedule Your Sedation Dentistry Appointment

Top-Tier Sedation Experts

Call us at (210) 366-3606